Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mardi, il fait beau et froid!

Today, Monsieur Wanie gave a short lecture on "Histoire, Chapitre 8" about homesteaders in the West during the period between 1896 and 1914. Students began working on the questions that are due on Thursday! To get a great mark, students should include information from Monsieur Wanie's lecture, the chapter and student's own reflections in the unit assignment.

In the afternoon, students worked on a peer evaluation of the "Post-war house" assignments...


Anonymous said...

For the first question in history where we are supposed to explain the journey for the immigrants until their first harvest in a flow chart, can i write it in the point of view of the homesteader?

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

hey Mr.Wanie I wasn't here today because I was at the girl's hockey tournament and so were Georgia and Sarah so is there any time we can come in and listen to your lecture or work on it because we missed your lecture and i know that your lectures usually have some really important information in them.

DRU said...

Najat: Sure, that sounds cool!

Lilly: How about during the French-book reading period tomorrow, we all go out into the hall and discuss the chapter?

Katie-Jane Flach said...

Mr. Wanie,

For the geography presentation, do we need to put our information on a bristol board? Is that part of the presentation? Thanks


Anonymous said...

Ok thanks Mr.Wanie that would be really helpful!