Friday, March 2, 2012

Vendredi gris.

So, today, the tour band was away in the morning at Kiwanis, I heard they might have won, awaiting confirmation.

Both classes had an opportunity to make some trees for the classroom railroad. Only or 3 HUNDRED more to make! Students did well and 86 managed to keep the mess to a minimum, even cleaning up the bathroom or 87's mess this morning...

Don't forget to choose your developing country:


Katie-Jane Flach said...

Mr. Wanie,
I will be away from April 2nd and I'll be back to school April 16th. I was just wondering if there are any big projects that you will be assigning between the dates that I'm gone. And if so, can you give them to me before March break so I can get them done on March break?

Anonymous said...

Do we chose a developing country and then do our geography assignment on that country or do we do the assignment then just pick a developing country for a different assignment.

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

Oh and can the diagram for material and non-material wealth be pictures from the internet?

Thanks Najat 8/7

DRU said...

Katie Jane: We'll be working on the railway, doing some more "Histoire", we have another art project, and there's the "Geographie" oral assignment on the developing country...

Najat: I'm not sur what you mean, but the choosing a developing country and doing your "Geographie" are related only in that they are both for "Geographie". And, no, you must draw the cover page.

Anonymous said...

Will you explain how to fill out the chart for the geography on monday cause I'm kind of confused.\

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

Will you explain how to fill out the chart for the geography on monday cause I'm kind of confused.\

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

oh goody. yay. i love oral stuff. and yay we'll be working on the railway. art work. fun stuff. <3

Larry said...

Mr.Wanie for the french grammar assignment do we have to print it out and write it, or can we just write it on a sheet of paper

DRU said...

Larry: Your answers must be written in full sentences either on the printed-out sheet or on another separate sheet.

Najat: I've already explained the chart twice! Come in early if you're still confused!

Julia said...

I didn't get to finish all of the assigned work but I tried and I can't come in Monday morning what should I do?

DRU said...

Julia: Come in on Tuesday!