Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jeudi avant la longue fin de semaine!

Wow, today was another busy one! Students handed-in their latest "Histoire" assignment, "Chapitre 9, Une ere de changement" and updated the table of contents in their files.

As well, "Histoire, Chapitre 10" was assigned as below:
<< La masse ouvriere entre 1867 et 1920 >>
ATC#1, 4, 5
a rendre lundi le 16 avril

As well, the latest French/Art assignment was described and discussed.

And finally, the art assignment challenge was handed-out.


Anonymous said...

Around when do you think the 20 sentences for our books due. i just want to know so i know if i have to do it over the long weekend.

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

Mr.Wanie it says in your post that we went over the art assignments... 8-7 never went over that. Is it something I need to work on over the long weekend or will we just discuss it when the easter break is over?

DRU said...

Najat: Other than your oral projects, there's no work to do over the long weekend.

Lilly: There's nothing you need to do other than figure out for tomorrow morning how those names are all related.

Sarah Garcia Naar (: said...
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Sarah Garcia Naar (: said...

This might be kinda early but for the artists, do they have anything to do with printmaking or New York or being pop artists??? :$

Anh said...

all the artists have incommon is that they all created BMW art car. Alexander Calder paint the first BMW Art Car. Since Calder's work of art, many other renowned artists throughout the world have created BMW Art Cars, including all the other artists on the list.

DRU said...

Sarah: Sorry kid, nope.

Anh: You got it! Good stuff kid! At 12:01! Awesome!

Tijana pavic said...

I know i am late, But adding on to what Anh was saying,I found a site showing the dates of the designs for the BMW by all the artists on the list,The first make was from Alexander Calder 1975-To the latest Jeff Koons 2010,Also made by Andy Worhol very known in 1979,Also Sandro Chia,Ernst Fuchs and the rest.

Tijana 8-6

Anonymous said...

for the book report assignment, you previously told us to write the vocabulary words of the book that we dont understand. what do we do with those?

Anonymous said...

also for the oral presentation. is it just simply 2 min. of french and english info? and also the poster with pictures. and the list that we made of what we should do in our presentation. is it mandatory to do all of them with a few extra info?

DRU said...

Tijana: Good find!

Leya: I hope you looked all of them up! For your project, 2minutes and 2 minutes, choose whatever elements from the list.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Wanie i was just wondering how you write out 4,392 in french in words.

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

oh is it "quatre mille trois cent quatre-vingt-douze"?

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

oh and is the 4 minutes a maximum or can we go past 4 minutes to like 7 minutes?

Thanks Najat 8/7

DRU said...

Najat: You got it. And, no, there's an absolute 5 minute limit.

Leda said...

Mr. Wanie I was not here Thursday afternoon when you explained the book/art project can I come in Tuesday morning to catch up? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

on the poster, the words that we write. do they have to be in french or english?

Julia said...

For the history report I can't find any good websites on the light bulb
Do you have any suggestion?

Jennifer L. said...
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Jennifer L. said...

Dear Mr.Wanie, I was wondering how i say the number 71740 square km in French. Thank you.

Jennifer L. said...

I also want to ask what 1961 is in French. Thank you.

Michelle said...

Mr.Wanie. I was wondering what you mean by "drawing/sketch of the country" for the projet de pays en development. Do you mean to draw the map?

Michelle 8-6

Isabelle said...

Monsieur Wanie I'm not sure what to do about presenting my oral presentation because I actually have lost my voice due to many hours of rehearsal this weekend

Carol said...

For the presentation, does it matter what order we say the english and french parts in? I was wondering if I could say a paragraph in french then one english, and back to french. Mish-mash? :/

Carol said...

& how do you say 331,690 in french?

Anonymous said...

do you know what day it is tomorrow?

Thanks Najat 8/7

Larry said...

Nagat I'm pretty sure it's a day 3 and if I'm right then 86 has homeroom in the afternoon which I will not be here for because of all city rehearsal. Mr.Wanie when would you like me to do my presentation?