Monday, April 2, 2012

Lundi, le soleil et le froid...

Well, today, Monsieur Wanie only saw his classes for two periods each... It made for a short day.

That said, today was the due-date for the "Post-war, false front house". In 86, only eleven house assignments were handed-in. Monsieur Wanie listened to way too many lame excuses! Students, you need to get them in before 8:30 tomorrow morning or you will receive a grade lower than the one you'd like! Only sixteen assignments were handed-in in 87 but among them was Najat's... A pretty cool house, clearly a lot of work put into it! Check it out below!


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! :)
oh and do we have to color in our advertisement and stamp for this history chapitre?

Thanks Najat 8/7

Anonymous said...

Hey Najat I'm not Mr.Wanie but I think that we probably do...

Anonymous said...

for the time line did you say we had to write 12? and when writing the time line can we just put the year on the time line then underneath, there would a list of what happened in those years. kind of like a legend.

Julia said...

Is it okay if for Histoire VTC 3 I pick an American Invention that benifited Canadians?

DRU said...

Najat: Yup, get out the Crayolas!

Lilly: Thanks!

Leya: Um, I'm not sure. I don't think I said 12. That said, your idea sounds original...

Julia: Nope.

Julia said...

I meant that Canadians used (the light bulb)?