Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jeudi, encore gris.

Today, students in 87 were assigned the "Projet d'industrie". Finally, students will be able to work on the classroom railroad. It's a big research/oral project that students will be able to incorporate into the design of some new scenery and rail for the class. Speaking of which, Monsieur Wanie's computer, the old one that runs the trains is on it's death-bed, if anyone has an old tower in their basement that they would want to donate to the class, please let Monsieur Wanie know...

Then, in the afternoon, students attended the concert run-through in preparation for this evening's performance...


Anonymous said...

Mr.Wanie for the at home art project can I use sketching paper for my painting?

DRU said...

Lilly: Yup.