Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mardi, un peu de pluie.

Today, students had a period to put the finishing touches on their "Histoire" chapter due tomorrow.

As well, students worked on their "Tintin" comprehension questions.

And a few students were scared out of their wits by the buzzing of the fire alarm for the drill! Anyway, we managed, mostly, to get out of the building to line-up and have attendance taken in a quiet and orderly manner...

R.I.P. Maurice Sendak (1928-2012)


Anonymous said...

could i get an extension for history until Thursday? and ill come in tomorrow morning.
thank you

Carol said...

Mr. Wanie, may I get an extension aswell?

Patrick said...

Hey Mr.Wanie I was wondering if I could get an extension for the the histoire too. I was away for two days and didn't get much time.

DRU said...

Leya: Fine.

Carol: Fine.

Patrick: Fine.