Friday, May 18, 2012

Vendredi, une belle journee!

Today was the Science Fair so students from both classes were pretty spread out all over the school. As well, some students were working on the play/musical...

So, in class, students took a break and watched Avatar or Puss in Boots. Not a really stressful day...

Hopefully, everyone has a safe and fun long weekend!


Katie-Jane Flach said...

Mr Wanie,
For the industry oral presentations, I can't find any pictures that show the birds eye view or where the location that I'm doing is... Should I just pick another industry or is there anything else I can do?
Katie 8-6

DRU said...

Katie: What's the name of your company?

Larry said...

Mr.Wanie how else could I describe how my company relates to rail service other than describing the type of rail service?
Larry 8-6

DRU said...

Larry: What do they ship or what arrives by train? How long have they be rail-served. Why?

Katie-Jane Flach said...

It's callEd NuStar Energy and it's located in Lloydminister, Saskatchewan.
Katie 8-6

Katie-Jane Flach said...

Sorry I spelled that wrong. It's Lloydminster, Saskatchewan.
Katie 8-6

DRU said...

Katie: Here's some info:

On google earth, go to Lloydminster and find the north end of 55th ave at 52nd st. I think that's NuStar.

georgia said...

Mr. Wanie my industry takes car parts and assembles them into cars. does that make it a secondairy industry? Georgia 87

Larry said...

Mr Wanie is this presentation supposed to be 2 minutes french,2 minutes english plus 1 minutes of anything else we want to say like the last one, or is the max 4 minutes?
Thanks Larry 8-6

Anonymous said...

Mr.Wanie my company is not around still so I am having trouble finding pictures of the rail station what should I do
Thank you, Neve 86

DRU said...

Georgia: Yup, secondary.

Larry: 2 and 2.

Neve: What's your company called?

Caitlin.G said...

could i please have an extention for the industry oral presentation for thuresday?? thx i thought i would be done for tomorow but i dont think i will be. caitlin.

Anonymous said...

i am doing union station. so when i have to name all the places that the "products" go and come from do i have to every station that connects to union station? or can i just skip it?