Friday, September 28, 2012

Vendredi, le ciel bleu encore!

This morning, students handed-in their "Histoire Prise 2" units.

As well, students were assigned their new "Geo" unit:

Geo, Chapitre 2
Comment les gens vivent: caracteristiques demographiques.
#1, 3(page couverture), 4, 8, 13
a rendre vendredi le 5 octobre.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Le beau soleil!

Today, Monsieur Wanie gave students some further direction regarding the "Histoire" unit that's due tomorrow. Students had an opportunity to work on both their assignment and their maps.

Mercredi, un peu de gris...

Today, students in 86 had their "Ratatouille" quiz handed-back. Most students did very well.

Also, students had some time to work on the maps of "Le Canada" and "L'Amerique du Nord britannique en 1860".

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mardi, une deuxieme belle journee de suite.

Today, students worked on their maps and new "Histoire" chapter. It's due on Firday!

Histoire- Prise 2
Une visite de l'Amerique du Nord britannique, en 1860
#1, 2, 3 VTC
#5 ATC (la page couverture)
a rendre Vendredi

Monday, September 24, 2012

Lundi, une belle journee!

Today students had their pool period. Almost everyone brought their stuff. However there were a few students who have had two period in a row of non-participation. Phone calls will be going home in the event of a third NP (non-participation).

Later in the day, one of the classes had their first "Geographie" unit handed-back. Most students did well though a main criticism of students who didn't do as well was that some answers lacked depth...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Vendredi, le soleil ou la pluie?

Today was fun-filled!

In the morning, students participated in the Terry Fox run "Toonies for Terry" at Winston Churchill Park.

In the afternoon, the students danced the day away!

Hopefully everyone will have their avoir/etre questions completed for Monday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jeudi, encore un peu plus frais que d'habitude.

Today students continued working on the "Geo" and "Histoire" maps.

As well, 86 and 87 had a lesson on "Expressions avec AVOIR", and some "Avoir/Etre" sentence building.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mercredi, un peu plus frais dehors!

Today, 86 and 87 started on the "Histoire" program.

As well, students handed-in their "Ratatouille" quiz.

And a last period today was allotted for students to work on their "Le Canada" maps and begin their "L'Amerique du Nord britannique en 1860" maps.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mardi, la pluie...

Today, what a grey rainy day...

Monsieur Wanie put on a movie in French for students "Ratatouille"... And students had to complete a short French comprehension quiz at home afterwards.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lundi, un peu frais...

Today, students is both 86 and 87 participated in swimming in the morning.

In the afternoon, students were given another period to work on their census surveys and "Geographie" assignments. The period was divided into a first half -group work and a second half -independent study.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Vendredi, la pluie arrive!

A big thank-you to parents who came out to yesterday's curriculum night! There were some beautiful comments left on my classroom white-board this morning! We (myself and the students) love our classroom!

In class this morning, students took one period to work on their "LE CANADA 2012" maps and a second period to work on their "Geographie" unit. It's due on Wednesday, so hopefully students are working on it over the weekend.

Remember that great assignments include:
-something that's been said
-something that you've read
-something from the web
-something from your head

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jeudi, une autre belle journee!

Today, students began their second verb assignment, building pairs of sentences in "Imparfait" and "Passe Compose".

As well, students continued working on their first "Geographie" assignment. Monsieur Wanie brough some clarification to the questions that are due next week on Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mercredi, le soleil brille.

Today, students were assigned their first "Geographie" chapter. (Questions 7,8,9,10,14,15,16,18) It's due on September 19th.  Monsieur Wanie gave students an outline for all assignments in "Geo" this term.

As well, students had some time to work on their "Le Canada, 2012" maps.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mardi, encore un belle journee!

Today, students in both classes continued their "Geopgraphie" chapter work in preparation for their first assignment.

As well, 86 handed-in their 10 sentence assignment and 87 had theirs handed-back.

And lastly, in what one student called "bringing a new level of stress to colouring", students began coulouring maps of Canada, labeling the provinces and capitals...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lundi, un peu frais mais au moins le soleil est de retour!

Today, both 86 and 87 had swimming. It was good to see that most everyone was participating. Hopefully, that continues!

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie only saw 87 for a period. Students' homework was checked and Monsieur Wanie collected some of the school paperwork. Students then worked on their "Geographie" chapter.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Vendredi! La fin de semaine est proche!

Today was another hard-working day for students!

86 and 87 began their French program with some review of the "Present, Passe Compose et Futur Proche" of -er, -ir, and -re verbs. Then Monsieur Wanie lead a lecture on the "Imparfait" and students began a short 8-sentence assignment (due on Monday!).

As well, 86 had another period of "Geographie" to begin working on chapter 1's questions.

Hopefully everyone has a safe and fun weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Jeudi, une bonne journee au boulot!

Today was a good hard-working day!

86 and 87 handed-in their "folded paper projects".

As well, students began working on their "Geographie" program. Chapter 1 deals with where people live, population density and distribution. Students participated well in the kick-off class discussion on the chapter.

Tomorrow is Friday! Time to get the French program started!

PS Thanks to all students who have taken the time to check in on the blog! Good job kids!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mardi, le retour du beau temps.

So, today students in 86 and 87 presented their "Inventaire d'interets". It was great to see that everyone had completed their first assignment!

Students in both classes now have their lockers assigned and their Winona agendas. On that topic, it is imperative that all students read and sign the "Code of conduct" contract. Ideally, parents and guardians have also read these parts of the students' agendas.

As well, for "homework" today, students were asked to "check-in" on the blog. It would be good if everyone checked-in by Monday of next week... and the "Folded paper project" should be finished off by tomorrow too!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lundi, le retour et la pluie!

Welcome, students, to the 2012/2013 school year! Be safe, work hard and have fun!

Today was mainly about getting some of the rules down, some information out and some introductions made...

Students worked on a first French "getting to know each other" activity... and were assigned another for homework, due tomorrow!