Friday, September 14, 2012

Vendredi, la pluie arrive!

A big thank-you to parents who came out to yesterday's curriculum night! There were some beautiful comments left on my classroom white-board this morning! We (myself and the students) love our classroom!

In class this morning, students took one period to work on their "LE CANADA 2012" maps and a second period to work on their "Geographie" unit. It's due on Wednesday, so hopefully students are working on it over the weekend.

Remember that great assignments include:
-something that's been said
-something that you've read
-something from the web
-something from your head


Anonymous said...

Hi Monsieur Wanie, remember me? I miss Winona so much and I wish I could come visit but I go to Harbord C.I so I don't have time. You were such a great teacher!

DRU said...

Hi Lilly! Thanks, you were a good kid! Stay safe! I'll wave next time I ride by Harbord!