Friday, October 12, 2012

Vendredi, le soleil et le froid!

Today was the due-date for the "Histoire, Chapitre 1".

Most students were able to get it handed-in on time.

Students then worked on their "Geographie, Chapitre 3" keywords. The latest chapter was assigned (details below) and students began working on a triple picture / site assignment.

Geographie, Chapitre 3
Nos empreintes: comment les etres humains utilisent la terre.
Questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 13* page couverture.
- a rendre vendredi le 19 octobre

Dessin a triple parties
-a rendre mercredi le 17 octobre

1 comment:

Claire R. 87 said...

Salut Monsieur Wanie! This is Claire Radner 8-7.