Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mardi, une belle journee dehors.

Today, students worked more on their "Geographie" units due on Friday.

As well, students began working on the "Comte the Monte Christo" test. Students will likely have two periods to work on it.

Pool tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Hi Mr. Wanie ~ It's Micah :) I LIKE UNICORNS.

Katie said...

M. Wanie, I did not finish my "Comte de Monte Cristo" test today, but I think that you said we could come in early to finish it off. I have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow morning so I can't come in early. I know that we are not going to get a chance to finish the test tomorrow, so I was just wondering if we are getting more class time to do it, or if I should come in on Thursday morning.

Katie 8-7

Unknown said...

Hi, it's, Emily.

DRU said...

Micah: Too bad they missed the boat huh?!

Katie: I think we'll plan for both classes to get one more period each on Thursday during the day. So, don't worry.

Bonsoir Emily!

Unknown said...

Bonjour Monsier Wanie. je suis apaiser malade. J'espere a retourne a l'ecocle a jeudi. Merci pour ton comprehension.
-Xavier C

Matthew Luu said...

Thanks for the extra time to do the test Mr.Wanie.

Unknown said...