Friday, November 9, 2012

Vendredi gris...

Students, note the due-date for the "Histoire" assignment has been changed to Thursday, November 15th!

As well, if you want to find the Louis Riel song, Serach iTunes for the band "Pagan Mary", the album called "Still" and the song called "Louis Riel".

Hopefully, everyone has a great weekend!


DRU said...

Hey Henry, there's your answer! Have a safe weekend!

Unknown said...


Leah Tackaberry-Giddens :) said...


Jacob Sutherns said...

Can we do the question about newfoundland between 1869 and 1949 as a timeline?

Emma said...

Hi Mr.Wanie

Unknown said...

Bonjour Mr. Wanie. C'est Kelin.