Monday, December 3, 2012

Lundi gris, le soleil en apres-midi.

This morning, Monsieur Wanie's classes worked on their "Geographie, Chapitre 6".

In the afternoon, students labeled folders with their names and forms. These folders will be placed in the "sticker-covered" filing cabinet in class. Some assignments of students work will be placed in their folders so students can build a portfolio of their work.

As well, students began a "Histoire/Geographie" folded paper project...


Maddie said...

hey mr.wanie it's maddie this is the link to the really funny video kelin and i were talking about

DRU said...

Maddie: I got it! Hilarious! Next time one of those kids from Ms Savignano's class is acting like a goof, I'll have to give him that "Don't innerup, roode" line...

Maddie said...

this is the other video ''can i have your number'' it's also REALLY funny

Maddie said...

DRU said...

Maddie: Funny, liking the Bon Qui Qui one best though.