Monday, February 11, 2013

Lundi, la pluie apres la tempete de neige!

Today, Monsieur Wanie gave out the outline for the "Geographie, Chapitre 9" assignment. It's an oral project/presentation on a Canadian company (of choice) at one of the levels of industry.

Take the J.R. Booth logging company for instance. It began operations in the late 1800s in the Ottawa valley...


Unknown said...

I think your clock is wrong because right now it is 12:13

DRU said...

Yeah, the classroom clock is wrong too!

DRU said...

The Blogger clock is set to California time.

Unknown said...

That makes sense but can you not change it to our time???
7:40 pm

Tigerlily J said...

Ya i agree with emily it gets confusing

DRU said...

Nope, I can't change it.

Unknown said...

If the Company is Second level of industry and tertiary do you do both?

DRU said...

Anthony, yes. Explain why it fits both.