Friday, February 8, 2013

Une tempete de neige!

A snowy day today but everyone is working away!

Students, do not forget that your "Histoire, Chapitre 8" is due on Monday.

"Une terre d'accueil pour tous, entre 1896 et 1914"
Pages 208-233
Questions: VTC: #1, 3, 4* ATC: #4


Haddie Hamilton said...

DRU said...

Lucky ducks!

Unknown said...

Mr. Wanie, do you think you could extend our projects to a bit later? 8-6 only had 2 periods to work with the textbooks and we also have a lot of art due on Tuesday (I still have 5). 8-7 also has a lot of work to do.

DRU said...

Kelin, you'd need to come in early tomorrow to negotiate.

Unknown said...

That duck video is so cool.

I am not going to school today (Feb. 11)I'm sick but if I feel better I might come in the afternoon.

DRU said...

Emily: Hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...
