Friday, April 26, 2013

Vendredi, le soleil mais toujours un peu frais.

Today, 86 began a French independent study based on some great class discussions this week. Hopefully students will appreciate the opportunity and build some great projects.

As well today, 87 were assigned their latest "Geographie" unit, details below.

87 Geographie
Chapitre 13
"Effets de la migration sur la culture"
Questions #1,3,5,8*,11,12
a rendre jeudi le 2 mai


Haddie Hamilton said...

Here's the draw my life 8-6 was talking about, this is just 1 of the thousands of Draw My Life on YouTube :

Unknown said...

Is it okay to be partners with two people as long as you're doing the same person who played an important role for ATC1?

DRU said...

Haddie, thanks!
Keilin, yup.