Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mercredi, quand la seve coulera t-elle?

So, a mid-week "Histoire" assignment, here it is:

Histoire, Chapitre 8, Une terre d'accueil pour tous.
Questions: VTC 1, 3, 4*  ATC 3, 4
A rendre ?


Anonymous said...

I can't find anything on the internet for question 4 ATC, what should I search to find it?

Unknown said...

yeah Simon i'm having problems with that question as well.

Anonymous said...

In the textbook it said because of the tarif du fret.

Unknown said...
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Christine 8-7 said...

The people persuaded the government to build some branch lines that connect to the main line. Scroll down to the 16th paragraph, it says "bowing to public pressure", suggesting that they persuaded the government to tell them to build branch lines.

Unknown said...

thank you christine