Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mardi, un peu gris.

Assignments posted:

Geographie, Chapitre 9
"La structure des economies"
Questions: #1, 2, 4*, 5, 6, 10.
a rendre vendredi le 25 avril

Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8
2 of 4 assignment
Due Friday, May 9th


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble with questions 5 and 6 because I can't remember which of them we were supposed to do all the countries and which we do 1 of the countries.

Unknown said...

Kit, you have to do research on all the countries in question 5 and 6.

Unknown said...

M. Wanie for number one where you have to write an outline of the speech can i just write the speech. Also it says to choose which of the 3 levels of industry is most important can i say that they are all equally important as long as i defend it well?

Anonymous said...

M. Wanie, I'm having trouble with questions 5 and 6 for the geo. I've been trying to search things to find the countries past problems with economic structure, and optimistic hopes for the future, but can't find anything. Any articles that you recommend?

Unknown said...

Max, for question 5 problems with economic structure essentially means that country is poor. So search into Google why is Iraq poor.