Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mardi, le soleil et the vent!

Les projets...

Français- projets de papier plié
à rendre vendredi le 22 mai

Art- portraits d’identités
à rendre vendredi le 29 mai (Pour les élèves qui participent à l
échange SEVEC, le projet est à rendre lundi le 1er juin)

Histoire- Chapitre 10, La masse ouvrière, entre 1867 et 1920
P264 - P289
Questions #VTC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; ATC 1*, 5(Bonus)
à rendre vendredi le 22 mai

English- Historical narratives
Due Tuesday, May 19th


Unknown said...

Hi it's Adam
I forgot to ask you today if it is OK to make a list of events for question VTC 6 or if we have to answer the question in a paragraph form. If I put it in a list I would put how it helped the working conditions today under the event.

Ellen said...

Mr. Wanie,
for histoire question ATC 3, should we list all the images in the chapter that show dangerous working conditions, or should we just choose one to work on?

Ellen said...

Sorry, I meant VTC 3