Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mardi, il fait beau aujourd'hui!

Another busy day... the day before a big due-date!

This morning, some students worked on their "Il fait quoi to Papa?" short stories, others went to the library to use the computers to research their Canadian industries, still others were researching their Francophone countries...

This afternoon, JJ from Camp Arowhon is doing the slide show thing for the students, and this evening for parents... Monsieur Ferron and Monsieur Wanie are sending home another information package for students and parents... some students will be getting the first package back because of missing parent signatures, OHIP numbers, important information!!

Due in the folders tomorrow: (Edited May 20th)
1. Ch13 Histoire
2. Purple notebook with ch8, 9, 10.
3. Historical figure blurb & drawing
4. "Il fait quoi ton papa?" short story
5. 13 sentences from your short story
6. Answers to blog questions on Canadian industry
7. Know how to spell/say your Francophone country's name in French and English!
8. Chapter 1, 2, 3 questions for "Le Loup des Mers"
9. Folded paper project.


Vivian_Jonas said...

Dear Mr.Wanie ,
Im not sure how to say thing but i'll explain my story to you tomorrow morning , is that fine ? . See you before 8.30am :)
- vivian 8-6

DRU said...

Sounds good!