Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jeudi, ensoleille!

This morning, students worked diligently on the "Geo" chapter, some had questions for Monsieur Wanie, a good thing! Students, here's a bit of wisdom for you: Always ask questions... so you know now, what you didn't before.

The school had a "Hold and Secure" drill, not as exciting as it sounds... thankfully!

Students were given back their "Chapitre 1 Geo" assignments, most students did very well, Monsieur Wanie is proud of the work students have completed thus far.

A reminder to students who received a mark or note in red on the "Ratatouille" quiz or in their "Geo" stuff: You need to come in and talk to Monsieur Wanie about your score!

In the afternoon, students in 86 and 87 continued on their perspective drawing unit...

Not a really exciting day but sheesh, did it feel like everyone was hyped or what?!

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