Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mardi, bleu ciel!

Monsieur Wanie informed students of a little change in plans regarding the "Geo" texts... students will leave them in class and can sign them out at will. This will accomplish a few goals: Firstly, students will not have to tote around the weighty tomes; Secondly, students will still have open access to the texts; Thirdly, there will always be enough texts to go around.

This morning, students started work on the "Geo" chapter. It encourages students to think about population density and distribution, where people live and why and economic development.

Ms. Ellen (Marcy) came in to talk to grade 8s in 87 about her function as guidance counselor. Students had a short survey to fill out. Tomorrow, it's 86's turn.

Neat lowrider!

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