Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mercredi gris!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie was happy to see that there were lots of students in early to work on assignments and ask questions. A few students were even given extensions...

In class, both 86 and 87 handed-in their "Geo Chapitre 4" and character sketches. Students then worked on question #1 of their new "Geo" chapter, details below:

"Geographie Chapitre 5"
Questions: 1,3,5,11,12,13
A rendre vendredi 30 octobre.


Unknown said...

hi monsieur wanie. in future if its no trouble it would be a great help to some people if you could post the actual questions on the blog. thanks, geoff

zema said...

I was just wondering, do we have to come in early to hand in assignments that were given extensions to?

DRU said...

Geoff, that's a cool idea. I prefer to talk about them in class and have you take notes... it's a skill you'll need to learn to be successful in high school. Need some help remembering? Come in early or ask for clarification in class.

DRU said...

Cutie: Nope, just hand them in when you're in class and remind me that you asked for (and were given) an extension.

Unknown said...

ok will do. thanks

zema said...

Ok, thankyou :)