Monday, November 30, 2009

Lundi, le froid, le soleil, le vent!

Report card day! Yay!

Students in 87 started their new art assignment... for this project, students are engaged in building the diorama of a movie scene... Monsieur Ferron's class has already completed Monsieur Wanie's project, students go take a look as some of them!

In the afternoon, both 86 and 87 received their reports. Students had to write some reflections on the last page... hopefully students will show them to their parents or guardians. Interview slots are filling up fast!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Vendredi, ciel bleu pour le moment!

This morning, students worked hard at their "Dans l'avion" French folders!

Monsieur Wanie decided that it's been a tough few weeks for students. Both classes would have had the opportunity to watch "Flushed Away" (or "Souris City" as it's ironically known in French)! But the old computer is fried... aargh! Someone get Monsieur Wanie a Mac, these PCs are junk!

Anyway, students kept up the work on the French folders and Monsieur Wanie took up the answers from the previous assignment.

Students also worked on the "Chapitre 8 Geo" questions due on Monday.

On another note, Interview Request Forms went home yesterday. That's ahead of the reports that go home on Monday. It was requested that for the first term interviews, students who received 60% or under in any subject, parents come in and discuss with the appropriate teacher, the next steps to take.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jeudi gris et brumeux!

Sooo, this morning students gave their opinions of the art installation... everyone seemed to agree that it would look better hanging from the ceiling... we'll have to see what we can do about that.

Students then had an opportunity to work on their "Geographie Chapitre 8". Several students worked diligently on the collage part of the assignment, cutting up newspapers and magazines...

Many students were also working on their "Dans l'avion" folder...

Oh, and 87 wanted more pictures of themselves on the blog:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mercredi gris!

So today, there were quite a few students in early to work on their 3D assignment...

During two of the morning periods, students and Monsieur Wanie had a couple good class discussions on the "Chapitre 8 Geo".

In the remaining four periods of the day, students worked dilligently on the art assignment. As Patrick put it: it really looks awesome! Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to getting it on the wall!

Check it:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mardi gris et pluvieux.

Monsieur Wanie's back! Yay!

So, getting past that excitement, students dove right in to finishing the 3D art assignment. Most students have folled the directions very well, and the project as a whole looks great. Hopefully it will all come together by the end of the week!

Students had a presentation from Oakwood regarding the French program there. It was pretty cool to see some students from Monsieur Wanie's class last year! Ideally, the presentation will have given students ideas of what next year may be like and the opportunities there will be in high school.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lundi, beau mais frais...

So, another day without Monsieur Wanie... hopefully all went according to plan with Ms A.

Students had "Geo, Chapitre 8" to work on and the new French "Dans l'avion" folders.

We'll see what tomorrow finds!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Vendredi, la pluie!

So, hopefully all students did the classwork assigned by Ms A. who was in for Monsieur Wanie.

There were two periods of time for students to work on their 3D buildings in full size.

Then students had "Geo" to work on and finally the new French folder: "Dans l'avion".

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jeudi pluvieux.

Today was a busy one!

Monsieur Wanie took two periods to discuss the latest "Geo" chapter and questions with 86 and 87. This chapter deals with world patterns of rich and poor. Most of the questions will take more time do think about than to complete. Classes will have more discussions about the chapter next week.

87 then had a chance to get started on the latest French Folder "A bord de l'avion". 86 will have their chance to get on it tomorrow with Ms A. Monsieur Wanie will be out of the "office" on Friday and Monday... Students had better be attentive to their duties, all assignments are posted to the side-board.
The good stuff...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mercredi, mi-semaine en soleil!

This morning, students in 86 and 87 started art work to refurbish the "New York" scene at the back of the classroom. It's an involved process. Students need to draw a scale drawing using the proper ratio, followed by a fractional net drawing... fun huh? Well, it will look great in the end!

In the afternoon, students continued on their net drawings and building plans. Some students took some time to get ahead or catch up in "Geo".

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mardi, le froid et le soleil!

Congratulations Nick and Geoff! They gave the correct answers to yesterday's picture question... It was Charles de Gaulle Ariport in Paris! Hope you liked your Sesame Snaps!

In other news... There were quite a few Students in early this morning asking for extensions on "Geographie Chapitre 7".

Students from both 86 and 87 attended a Skills Canada presentation about career choices and opportunities this morning.

In the afternoon, students had a "first crack" at "Geographie Chapitre 8". Here are the details on that:

"Geo Chapitre 8"
A rendre: lundi le 30 novembre.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Lundi gris.

This morning, students worked to finish off the "A l'aeroport" French folder. It's taken a little longer than Monsieur Wanie would have wanted to get to it! Anyway, students in 86 and 87 worked for two periods each and then had a period to discuss questions 1 to 4. A pretty straight forward day!

Where is this? The first person to figure it out and come and tell Monsieur Wanie gets a package of Sesame Snaps.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Vendredi, de l'encouragement.

For students, today is a day off school... In the meantime, Monsieur Wanie is working hard at getting his Term 1 reports together. Looking over all the grades, it's clear to see that this year's students are very hard workers. There will be quite a few great reports!

Students, just a quick note of encouragement: The "Geographie" textbooks are tough. The amount of effort required to complete the assignments and the readings is enormous, Monsieur Wanie is fully aware of that fact. That many of you try so hard and get such good grades is awesome.

The Term 2 chapters are not quite as difficult but a great deal of effort will still be required in order to do well! It is important to stay focussed and not get discouraged!

Keep up the good work! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jeudi, il fait beau mais il fait froid!

This morning, students worked at finishing up their 3D shapes, their "A l'aeroport" folders and work on their short stories...

Later in the day, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Geographie Chapitre 7" questions with the class and continued yesterday's discussion on the four economic systems...

A reminder to students: You need to read the blog every day! You're on the internet anyway! Spend a minute to find out what you need to do, what you've forgotten or due dates that you've missed!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembrance Day

Great work on the wreaths!

This morning, most students in 86 and 87 were involved in the Remembrance Day assembly... It was easily the most moving assembly Winona has seen. The choir, the tour band (with Emmett!), and the strings group performed; Monsieur Wozniak spoke of his family and personal experiences and Monsieur Tancredi gave a few words. Lest we forget...

In the afternoon, students worked on a directed reading activity in "Geographie" followed by a class discussion on the reading... about the four economic systems.

NOTE: 86 and 87, you are great kids! You have been awarded an extension on your short stories... they are due on Monday. Monsieur Wanie appreciates that you have lots of deadlines lately... do great things over the weekend and let there be a big pile of assignments on Monsieur Wanie's desk on Monday!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mardi! Encore une belle journee!

So, today students worked on their "À l'aéroport" folders. A few students have completed them and included the answers in their notebooks.

Students worked at gluing their 3D shapes together in art...

In the afternoon, Monsieur Wanie did a rather lengthy, detailed review of "Géographie, Chapitre 6". Students participated well in the discussion. Monsieur Wanie also gave a heads-up of question #2 in "Géographie, Chapitre 7".

Reports are coming up soon students! Get your missing units in! Come in for extra help if you know you need it!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lundi, une très belle journée!

Today, students handed-in their "Géographie, Chapitre 6", it's the last chapter for the first term report... A few students came in early to ask for extensions until Wednesday.

Students worked on the "À l'aéroport" folder as well as their short stories.

Due dates:

"Courte Histoire"

À rendre lundi le 16 novembre.

"Géographie Chapitre 7"
Questions: 1,2,4,6,10

À rendre jeudi le 12 novembre.


Friday, November 6, 2009

C'est vendredi! La moto ne demarre pas!

This morning, students worked on the new French assignment, the one where students need to write a story about an avalanche or a forest adventure incorporating friends, family or acquaintances as characters in the story...

Students also worked on "Geographie, Chapitre 6". Most of the questions take some brainstorming. Make sure your answers reflect that you've used your head to compose your answers!

86 and 87 also worked on their "A l'aeroport" folders and 3D art assignments.

It was a pretty busy day! Students, remember that "Geographie Chapitre 6" is due on Monday! Come in early if you need extra help!

Hopefully, students will find some time to get outside on Sunday, it's supposed to be great weather! Play safely!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jeudi, la pluie!

Today Monsieur Wanie is back from the dentist chair...

It seems most students were on task yesterday, working on the "A l'aeroport" folders, "Geo" keywords and art assignments...

Today, some students were on desk-washing duty. There's nothing like a fresh canvas!

Students worked on their "Geographie Chapitre 6" and the new French writing assignment based on "L'avalanche" or "Aventure en foret".

In the afternoon, students finished yesterday's art assignment... and started on the design/build part of the 3D shapes unit.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ou est Monsieur Wanie?

Bzzzz, grind, wizzz, OW!
Chez le dentiste!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mardi, une belle journee!

Wow, fall is in full swing... check out where the sun shines at 08:45!

This morning, students worked on the newest French project... It's a really old but really cool book of French vocabulaire and fill-in-the-blank exercises... In the afternoon, students worked on the latest art assignment, designing and building 3D shapes...

Wolverine rules! Get it? "Rules"...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lundi, le soleil brille mais il fait froid!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Geographie, Chapitre 6" questions with 86 and 87. Students had a few minutes at the end of the period to work on the keywords...

And in the afternoon, students had lots of marked assignments handed back. Most students are doing really well!

Students, keep in mind the fact that Monsieur Wanie is marking ever more critically so be sure to fully read the chapters so as to incorporate what you've read into your assignments as well as some of your own ideas and/or original thoughts. Note also that Monsieur Wanie is available every morning for extra help, know when to come in for a hand on your assignments, to ask for an extension or because it's freezing outside and you forgot your hat on the kitchen table!