Friday, November 20, 2009

Vendredi, la pluie!

So, hopefully all students did the classwork assigned by Ms A. who was in for Monsieur Wanie.

There were two periods of time for students to work on their 3D buildings in full size.

Then students had "Geo" to work on and finally the new French folder: "Dans l'avion".


Talia said...

I can't find my 3-D art building. I saw it this morning, but I couldn't find it in the afternoon... am I going to have to do it again? Because since I was absent I never made any pre-drawings, I just made it from scratch right onto the brown paper so that's gonna be kind of hard...

DRU said...

Hey Talia! I'm sure it will turn up! We'll figure it out tomorrow, okay?