Monday, November 2, 2009

Lundi, le soleil brille mais il fait froid!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie went over the "Geographie, Chapitre 6" questions with 86 and 87. Students had a few minutes at the end of the period to work on the keywords...

And in the afternoon, students had lots of marked assignments handed back. Most students are doing really well!

Students, keep in mind the fact that Monsieur Wanie is marking ever more critically so be sure to fully read the chapters so as to incorporate what you've read into your assignments as well as some of your own ideas and/or original thoughts. Note also that Monsieur Wanie is available every morning for extra help, know when to come in for a hand on your assignments, to ask for an extension or because it's freezing outside and you forgot your hat on the kitchen table!

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