Monday, January 11, 2010

Lundi, gris, vent.

Today, Monsieur Wanie assigned "Geographie, chapitre 11". Students took notes on the chapter headings that will become this unit's folder. Students will not be answering any of the end-of-chapter questions, rather they will be summarizing an element of the chapter on migration they feel is most important. The unit is due on Wednesday, 20th January.

In the afternoon, students worked on their shoebox projects...

Students, you have verb homework! One page of 12 questions on irregular "ir" verbs due tomorrow! Bonus points to those who read the blog because Monsieur Wanie didn't mention this assignment in class!


Unknown said...

But I remember you saying to read the blog tonight because there will be something important on it.

Unknown said...

i thought you did say something about it but..well just saying hii

DRU said...

Yup... the homework... I didn't mention it in class!