Continuing the barrage of grammar this week, students in 86 and 87 recieved a new worksheet in the imperative verb forms, and a crossword reward sheet on "Life at Winona" for all the hard work completed!
Monsieur Wanie worked hard yesterday and today at some of the more finicky parts of the railroad so after the break, classes could work on making more scenery...
mr.wanie do we have to make the timeline colorful and stuff, and also can we make the newspaper thing black and white (wouldn't people back then not have color print)?
mr.wanie do we have to make the timeline colorful and stuff, and also can we make the newspaper thing black and white (wouldn't people back then not have color print)?
wat pgs for the klondike gold rush stuff
KJG: The timeline doesn't have to be fancy. The newspaper doesn't have to be in colour, but it would look old...
Kyle: look back in the posts... P201-205.
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