Monday, March 8, 2010

Lundi, il fait tres beau!

Wow, what a great weekend weather-wise! Looks like this week will be great too!

In class, 86 and 87 worked on an "ER, IR, and RE" verb assignment. The idea is to choose the correct verb and then it's correct form so the sentences make sense... a great activity to encourage using the dictionary and practice verb conjugation!

In the afternoon, 86 did some railplanning for scenery on the railroad...


Anne said...

Wait what? Verb assignment? What do we do??? when is it due??? god i hate being sick :P

DRU said...

Anne, it was a worksheet. Don't fret about it!

Unknown said...

ok so, for history, the last question is to make a magazine or newspaper about the gold rush. Am i supposed to make a full newspaper or just an article??