Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jeudi, le soleil resort. Une belle journee!

Today, students in 87 had two periods in homeroom, one to work on the "Revolution Industrielle" assignment, the other during which Monsieur Wanie went over the "Chapitre 2 Geographie" questions and students worked on them.

86 only had one period of homeroom today and it was taken up by Mr Rowinsky's math test.

Just to clear up some due-date confusion in 86 and 87: the "Revolution Industrielle" assignment good copy is due on Monday, September 27th for both 86 and 87. The question #4 collage from "Geo, Chapitre 2" is due on Wednesday, September 29th for 87 and Thursday, September 30th for 86.

Today, 83 missed working on the "Etienne" paragraph in their notebooks because of the Terry Fox assembly at the end of the day. On Monday, students will start gathering ideas for a similar "Etienne" paragraph for themselves. Monsieur Wanie will read the paragraph with the class to make sure everyone understands...
If you were anywhere near Queen's Park last Sunday, you'd have seen two of Monsieur Wanie's favourite cyclists: Michael Barry and Ryder Hesjedal.

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