Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mardi, pluie

A quick reminder: Students who need to hand in a late assignment, meet with Monsieur Wanie for whatever reason, or want to come in to hang out or mess with the classroom train, must come in BY OR BEFORE 8:30. Students should not be wandering the halls between 8:30 and the bell.

In class today, 86 and 87 continued the reading of their first French novel, "Sonson et le volcan". Both classes had a double period to read and answer the comprehension questions in preparation for the class discussion tomorrow.

Oh, and tomorrow, 86 starts an art/drawing unit. 87 starts Thursday.

And tomorrow, the "Geographie" collage is due for 87! Thursday for 86!

And 87 has pool tomorrow, bring your swim stuff!


Michelle said...

did we have any homework? i was at softball today.

DRU said...

Nope! Well, except for the collage...