Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mardi, du vent et du soleil.

Yay, Monsieur Wanie's back!

Well, judging from all the comments to Thursday's blog post, everyone like checking out youtubes of cool bike riders!

Anyway, today was all about "Geographie". Monsieur Wanie came around to check notebooks for yesterday's work. Most student appeared to have worked diligently.

As well, Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "La Peur De Ma Vie" tests. Class marks were quite a bit lower on this test than the others, but then it was a tougher test too... Anyway, classes 86 and 87 went over the corrections with Monsieur Wanie, re-wrote all the correct answers and handed them back in so Monsieur Wanie could file them.

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