Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mardi, le soleil encore!

Today was a great day!

Students in 86 and 87 handed-in their "Greatest Canadian" assignments... wow, some great artwork there kids!

During the day, students worked on the "La Peur De Ma Vie" novel. Some students are really having a hard time with it. Don't forget, Monsieur Wanie is in every day early for extra help. Anyway, the class-read will sort some troubles out...

Students worked on their "Geographie" keywords and showed Monsieur Wanie a completed assignment for a checkmark.

Near the end of the day, a Yahoo title came up about how baby-boomers are going to become "oldsters" as the article called them. Classes discussed the issues facing older drivers... Here's the youtube clip of "The Old Lady From Pasadena"... (the intro is a bit goofy but anyway...) that Monsieur Wanie described.



Danielle said...

That youtube link was very weird.

Danielle said...

The SIG lin is very helpful =)