Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mardi, deux centimetres de neige.

This morning, 87 began reading the second of two French novels.

Both classes had their "Geographie, Chapitre 6" handed back as "Chapitre 7" is due tomorrow!

As well, Monsieur Wanie held a class discussion on "Chapitre 8" about world patterns of rich and poor, Gross Domestic Product and the Human Development Index, explaining poverty by looking at the past. In this chapter, students will be looking further into weak economies and exploding populations as well as a case study on Sub-Saharan Africa...


Michaela said...

I was wondering if for #6 ing geographie is it 20 lines or 20 sentances???

Michaela said...

i'm having trouble with #6, i'm doing it on El Salvador and i've found out that it has a economie mixte and economie traditionnelles. but im not sure what else im supposed to write beyond that.

DRU said...

Was I enough help in class? It was 20 max and you could have described the exports the economy relies on or wether it has any touris revenue, that kind of thing...