Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mardi gris, main pas aussi froid.

Today, students were busy as ever, even before the bell! Some were still catching up on the maps that are way over due BTW...

As well, 86 and 87 were working in small groups on the "Histoire, Chapitre 1" preparing a summary for the class.

And students in 86 had the pleasure of cleaning off the desks and tidying up for the grade 6 info-night this evening...


Michelle Duong said...

Hi, what should we include in the bristol board for question number 1 in geographie? Thanks

DRU said...

Michelle: Anything that relates to the industry you choose. If it's Inco, then pictures of the mine, the equipment, the ore, the facility, how they transport the ore and metal (hint: huge dump trucks and trains) and finally what products the nickel they mine is made into...