Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mercredi, la mi-semaine et la neige.

So, this morning, 86 and 87 worked on their superhero art assignment. There are many very well done portraits out there! This year, Monsieur Wanie's two classes are very talented art-wise!

In the afternoon, all grade 8 classes trudged through the snow to get to Oakwood for the highschool tour... fun, fun!


Michaela said...
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Michaela said...

I was wondering for #5 in geo do we have to translate the attractions,and give a discription or just give the names of the attraction???

DRU said...

Michaela, a French description of each of the 5 tourist attractions would net you an "A". There are tons of really interesting things in the Sahel and Sub-Sahara.