Friday, January 14, 2011

Vendredi, le ciel bleu mais la neige arrive en fin de semaine.

Well, today, Monsieur Wanie didn't get to see much of either 86 or 87 due to pool.

In the morning, both classes handed-in their "Geographie, Chapitre 8". Students then either continued on their superhero portrait (Due Monday!) or their "Histoire" maps.

Hopefully, everyone has a safe and fun weekend. Snow on the way!


Michaela said...

hey mr.wanie its nichola, my account is not working so im on Michaela's. I misplaced my superhero project today. I literly searched the ENTIRE SCHOOL and couldn't find it. Should i redo it on the weekend? If i do i will have to be on different paper. Not sure what you would like me to do.

Unknown said...

does your superhero picture have to have a background colour or can I just leave it the colour of the paper

Danielle said...

It needs a background colour

DRU said...

Hey Nichola! Better measure Michaela's and do another one on the same size paper... The same SIZE paper!

Alejandra: The background must be coloured-in.

Michaela said...

Ok thank you. Does it matter if the paper is a little bit darker brown?

DRU said...

MIchaela: sounds fine.