Monday, September 19, 2011

Lundi, peut-etre la pluie cet apres-midi?

Today, there were several students who came in early for some extra time on the "Ratatouille" quiz. It's great to see such dedication!

During class, Monsieur Wanie handed-back the "La peur de ma vie" quiz. And the class went over the corrections... students were asked to note their marks in their agendas and get them signed if they were under 12/24...

Later, students worked on the first chapter "Geographie" key-words and brainstormed about constants in human geography and the development and growth of cities and suburbs. Then students participated in a discussion with Monsieur Wanie about the similarities and differences between urban, suburban and rural communities, and started on a related assignment...


Binh Nguyen said...

HIII MR.WANIE ! What's happening? I really want to come visit and check if the train is still rolling :P Hope you're still owning in black ops aha, just checking up.

DRU said...

Hey Binh! Good to hear from you! Come by and say hey anytime! Owning? More like getting owned! LOL Hope all is well in Grade 9!

Anonymous said...

hey binh!!