Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jeudi, encore une journee de soleil!

Today students worked on their "Zoning assignment"... It will be due early next week.

As well, students worked on their latest French reading book, "Le galop du templier".

A quick note: the "perspective drawing assignment" is due tomorrow! That's Friday!

Falling Water, Frank Lloyd Wright


Anonymous said...

how come u talked bout work due watever date its due. and then u put a picture bout a water fall? does it have anything to do about our drawings? do we have to add to our zoning work? or was it just random?

DRU said...

Leya: I had been talking to a class about a house in Pennsylvania called "Falling Water"... Katie is interested in architecture, and it's a pretty neat place...

Anonymous said...

oh. well ok then. :)