Friday, January 13, 2012

Vendredi, enfin la neige!

This morning, Monsieur Wanie checked that all students brought their shoe-boxes for the project that starts on Monday. Students began planning their "Pin-hole, forced perspective project" after a lesson on "forced perspective" and the "pin-hole" viewpoint concept.

As well, students worked on their "Histoire jumpstart folder" questions. The questions are due this Thrusday!


Anonymous said...

do we have any homework?...

Anonymous said...

also, I have been on the computer for a while now, and I can't find the answer for 26 anywhere. any suggestions on what websites to look at?

Leda said...

Wait are the 26 questions due tomorrow?

DRU said...

Lilly: The "Histoire Jumpstart Folder" questions are due Monday. What was question 26?

Leda: Yes!

And EVERYONE must have their shoeboxes!!!