Friday, June 27, 2014

La dernière journée d’école!

Students (Parents and Guardians):

Thank you for a terrific year. You produced some great work! Next year's students have a high bar to reach! I wish you all an excellent time at high school, stay out of trouble!

Thank you, as well, for your thoughtful end-of-year gifts, you know they are neither expected nor necessary! The club soda water (Max and Eric), the LCBO gift certificate (Stu), the bow-tie (Alex), the nice little note (Claire R.) and your excellent work this year (everyone)!

Be good, be safe!

Monsieur Wanie


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Wanie,

Glad to know you had a great year with your class. I'm just checking in with you to see how you're doing. I hope you remember me. Sorry I haven't come to visit you in such a long time. I was wondering if there's anyway you could get me your email. I come to visit your site every now and then, but I'm afraid one day you might stop using it and we'd lose touch.

It's been so long since I've left a comment on here. I hope you have an amazing summer.

Best, Vivian (8-6, Class of 2008/2009).

DRU said...

Hey Vivian! Great to hear from you! All good here! My email is
I hope you're doing well and staying out of trouble!!