Friday, September 12, 2014

Vendredi, il fait gris et un peu froid...

Parents / Guardians : Curriculum Night yesterday evening was great fun, thanks for dropping-by to say hello. For those parents I didn't get to speak to or who managed to sneak in and out without me noticing, please feel free to send me an email or just drop by if you have any questions or comments, any time this year.

Les élèves: rappelez-vous que votre premier devoir d'histoire est à rendre lundi sans exceptions!


Anonymous said...

Hello Monsieur Wanie,
I can't quite remember what the title page for the History project should look like. Can you describe what to write on it?

Unknown said...

Bonjour M.Wanie. comme ca va

Unknown said...

hey monsieur wanie, for the history project, should question 2 be a list or indivisual sentences?

DRU said...

Hi there kids. Isabeau, the cover page needs to have your name, title of the unit, page numbers, question numbers and due-date. Charley, either would be fine.

DRU said...

Hey Eric! Tout va bien merci! Et toi?