Thursday, December 18, 2008

Vendredi! C'est les vacances!

Sooo, Monsieur Wanie is "bummed" to not be able to be at work today to wish everyone a great holiday and a happy New Year on the last day before the vacation... so this post will have to do! 

Students, stay out of trouble, have fun, watch out for traffic, there are lots of crazy drivers out there! Have a great vacation and we'll see you in the New Year!

This morning, 86 and 87 had a chance to finish up work on the "Greatest Canadian" project and hand it in. Students also had time to work on the "Forced Perspective-Toronto" project that is due after the break. 

Again, there is no homework over the break BUT lots to do the week we are back... students can get a head start on it all by looking at the previous post.

And a big thank you, happy holidays and great new year wishes to parents too! Terrific kids you have! It is a honour to be their teacher, I am very proud of them!

Jeudi! Demain, c'est vendredi!

Another great day today, students!
Classes 86 and 87 worked on their "Greatest Canadian" projects due tomorrow!

Students also had a class lesson to discuss "la productivité" and question #1 of yesterday's "Géographie" assignment. Students examined how it relates to the way of life in the 1860's as described in our "Histoire pré-chapitre". 

Students, over your vacation there is no homework... BUT:

You should read the rest of "Chapitre 5" in "Géo" and look at questions #3,5,11,12,13... they will be assigned the first week back and due January 9th! 

You could also read "Chapitre 1" in "Histoire" and look at questions #1,2,3,4,6,7 of "Vérifie tes connaissances" and #5 of "Applique tes connaissances"... they will be assigned the first week back and due January 9th!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mercredi, un peu de neige!

Great day today! Most students had all the required elements necessary to work on their "Greatest Canadian" project. Students handed in their "Histoire Pré-Chapitre", if you missed that opportunity, tomorrow morning at 8:15 is your last chance! 

Tonight, students should be working on their "Chapitre 5" P108 #1. Due tomorrow morning! 

À demain!  

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mardi, ensoleillé, mais il fait froid...

Things making Monsieur Wanie crazy today:
1. Some students are still not checking the blog on a daily basis. 
2. Students who come to school unprepared and fail to accomplish work set out for the day!
3. Students skipping computer class!

Things making Monsieur Wanie happy today:
1. The highest number of students from 87 in the pool all year!
2. Students who check the blog.
3. Students who ask questions about "Histoire" when they aren't sure about something...
4. Students working well with others.

Things that would make Monsieur Wanie happy tomorrow:
1. All students bring "Histoire" texts to class with associated "Pré-Chapitre" work.
2. All students have printed out portrait of their "Greatest Canadian" to complete assignment.
3. All students bring "Géographie" texts to class in the afternoon.
4. All students gather supplies for "Forced Perspective-Toronto" project and stow in locker.
5. Students find stray tennis balls and bring to blue bin in class.
6. Students continue to show the positive attitude that you all have had since the first day of school!

Souriez! C'est presque les vacances!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lundi, il pleut!

This is the last week before the Christmas break! Yay!

Today students worked on their "forced perspective-Toronto" assignments, this afternoon was dedicated to the Winter Concert Dress Rehearsal... Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to this evening's performance!

In the meantime, students MUST have all supplies for their "forced perspective-Toronto" assignments in class as well as the portraits for the "Greatest Canadian assignment".  And there is the "Histoire pré-chapitre" to work on... it's due Wednesday!

Friday, December 12, 2008

C'est vendredi!

Soooo, Monsieur Wanie was not in regular classes at school today, instead, he was given the opportunity to hang out with the music kids on tour! Okay, everyone knows that Ms J. and Mr Ullman are great music teachers right? But did anyone say how well you kids did! I mean Wow! You students were phenomenal! It was so great to see you perform! Bien fait et bravo!

For the weekend, here are some reminders for everyone, not just Andrea and Sheridan...

1. Did you hand in your "Géo Chapitre 4"?
2. Did you hand in your book study assignment?
3. Did you gather supplies and come up with ideas for your "Forced perspective-Toronto" assignment?
4. Did you work on your "Histoire pré-chapitre"?
5. Did you print out a portrait of your "Greatest Canadian" to use when drawing?
6. Did you find 6 cheap or worn tennis balls?
7. From way back... did you hand in your printed-out "Tex and Tammy" verb stuff?
8. Did you plan some fun stuff to do over the break so you don't get in trouble hanging out at the mall?

There are lots of things you could be doing AS WELL AS reading Twilight for the tenth time!

Soyez prudents ce weekend! Il y a beaucoup de voitures sur la route. C'est des gens qui roulent trop vite et qui ne vous voient pas traverser la rue! Bon weekend, et à lundi!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jeudi... il fait froid!

It's good to see that most students are checking the blog more regularly! 

Today, students worked on their "Forced Perspective-Toronto" projects.

There was an assembly for students who made the Honour Roll. 
Cool that there were lots of kids from 86 and 87! Good stuff! Keep it up!

And in the afternoon, it was locker-cleanout time! Yikes, lots of scary stuff! Missing projects, smelly gym stuff, the odd bad math test you forgot to show dad... and Ewww what was that? Here's an idea: maybe students should take some stuff home over the Christmas break to sort it out, to dispose of it in a biohazard bin or take it to a forest and release it in the wild?

Demain, c'est Vendredi!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mercredi, voila le soleil!

Students, wow! Was this another busy day or what?! 

If you haven't chosen your "Greatest Canadian" or you want to change your choice, make it soon! Like 8:15 tomorrow morning soon! We're going to begin work on it soon!

In class, students worked on their "Géo Chapitre 4" due tomorrow. Monsieur Wanie helped with some of the questions, so hopefully the examples given will make the homework a little easier.

Students also received some help on the "Histoire pré-chapitre" due next week.

And students were able to work on their "forced-perspective Toronto" project. Make sure to bring the supplies you need to work on your project!

Tennis balls... our class room needs tennis balls... the cheaper and more worn out, the better. 

Oh, and let's all have good thoughts about the "White-board installer hardhat technician scientist dudes"... maybe they will take some time off work on the Large Hadron Collider and come install this thing! Check it out they even make music: go to and do a search for "Large Hadron Rap"... it's cool, you'll see!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mardi, neige ou pluie?

Yes, there are lots of assignments for students to focus on this week!

This morning, most students selected their "Greatest Canadian" to use in the "Mini-Portrait Project".  Students also had some time to work on "Histoire" fact-points from the pre-chapter.

This afternoon, students had some time to work on "Géographie" definitions, and Monsieur Wanie went over the questions for the homework assignment to help students in their chapter work.

Students who don't have their shoe boxes and who haven't yet selected their "Greatest Canadian" by tomorrow will be excluded from the art activity! Get on it!

If Monsieur Wanie were a student in 86 or 87, he would manage his time this afternoon as follows... 
1. Take 2 minutes to select his "Greatest Canadian".
2. Spend 10 minutes on "Géo, chapitre 4".
3. Spend 5 minutes on the "Histoire, pré-chapitre".
4. Take 5 minutes to sketch some ideas and get some supplies ready for the "Forced perspective-Toronto" project.
5. And lastly, he would spend 30 seconds thinking about the homework he hasn't done yet for math class, while the XBox loads...  

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lundi, lundi! 2 semaines avant les vacances!

Here we are, Monday 2 weeks to go before vacation! Yay! 

Students have lots of work this week. "Histoire" starts today so most students needed to find their books at the bottom of their lockers or hidden under their beds and bring them to class! We've also got a couple art projects, a new "Géo" chapter and a new reading assignment! Wow! That's a lot!

Anyway,  this evening, for their art project, students need to pick their top ten greatest Canadians from the list on this and the following web page(s) ... 

Students need to think of a possible idea they can illustrate for their "forced perspective- Toronto" assignment. Monsieur Wanie took some time to outline this project in class today.

Tonight, students should spend 20 minutes going over the new "Géo" chapter P66-85 and the words Monsieur Wanie highlighted with students today... 
The Chapter questions are as follows:
Comprendre les concepts #2 et 3
Recherche et communication #4 et 6
Lecture des cartes #8
Applications #9 et 12
à rendre jeudi le 11 décembre

Aaaaand, students should take 10 to 15 minutes to go over the "15 points + facts" in the "Histoire" chapter as assigned in class. The chapter assignment includes questions #1,2, and 3 from P22 "Vérifie tes connaissances".

Sapristi, cela fait beaucoup de travail, n'est-ce pas?!

Vendredi: la rencontre des parents!

First, a quick shout out to parents: this past Friday, like Thursday night, Monsieur Wanie had lots of meetings. It was great to see everyone who came in to chat or say hello! Terrific, caring parents - great kids, an obvious link! Thank you!

Students had a extended weekend... everyone should have been putting finishing touches on their book studies due Monday. Don't forget your shoe boxes! Hope you had a safe weekend!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jeudi! La soirée des entrevues!

It was a busy morning for students! 

Some participated in a music thingy, cool; and others had an extra double pool period, ultra cool!

Internet French assignments and "Géo" chapter work was due today, so Monsieur Wanie has a pile of each on his desk. Students, if you didn't hand your assignments in, you still have a chance to get it marked by handing it in before the bell on Monday...

Oh, and speaking of Monday, students, your reading book assignments are also due on Monday.

Did you bring your shoe box for the "forced perspective art assignment"? If you didn't, then go find one! Here's a hint for those having trouble... it's a SHOE box... go to a SHOE STORE and ask nicely... or go around behind the shoe store and check the recycling bin!!!

Here's hoping Monsieur Wanie saved up enough good stuff to say to your "Parental Units" during interviews this eve and tomorrow!

Bon long weekend tout le monde! 


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mercredi... la mi-semaine!

Today, a good day for all... 86 and 87 had a homework check! Some people are not reading the blog EVERY night! REMINDER: This is where you get the "low-down" on everything Monsieur Wanie's Class-Related! Tune in students!

So, anyway, classes 86 and 87 were assigned a two internet page piece of homework...      and
Students had to complete both pages, make sure their answers are correct and "Copy-paste" it into a word document to print it out... easy work but complicated to carry out... let's see who succeeds in the mission!

Students also have their "Géo" chapter assignment due tomorrow (Thursday) so Monsieur Wanie spent some time in class today going over the questions and some of the possible answers to help students along... Whoo Hoo, "Chapitre 4" next week! 

Secret blog info 1: Arowhon is a "Go" for June! Yay! 
Secret blog info 2: We start "Histoire" next week! Double Yay!

À demain!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mardi gris!

Les verbes! My favourite! That's what I heard all students saying today! Really! Well, Monsieur Wanie gave you a gift today then! Because students have 26 sentences in the "Passé Composé" due tomorrow morning! (That's Wednesday!) The first 16 were to be conjugated with "Être" and the next 10 were to be conjugated with the "Avoir".

This afternoon, students had a chance to work on their assignments... there is a lot of stuff piling up on students' shoulders... "Passé Composé" sentences due tomorrow, "Géo" due Thursday, book assignments due on Monday the 8th... Students, stay on top of it! ANd come in early if you need extra help or time! 

Students handed in "Interview request" forms this morning and Monsieur Wanie arranged interview times. Parents can come in and hear, first hand, all the good stuff about their kids education and the various goings-on in the class room...


Monday, December 1, 2008

Lundi! Ou est la neige prédite?

So, where is all that snow the forecasters were warning us about? Whatever! While we're waiting for it, students might as well get ready for a busy four day week!

The latest "Géo" assignment has been posted... "Chapitre 3: Nos empreintes: comment les êtres humains utilisent la terre" "Comprendre les concepts" #1-5 and "Applications" #13. 

And don't forget the reading book assignments are due on Monday, 8th December!

Report cards go home today! Yay! Most students did really well this term! Keep in mind that parents (or the people who take care of you) should be coming in for parent-teacher interviews if you've had any issues on the report... or just to say "Hey"...

And a reminder that extra help is ALWAYS available in Monsieur Wanie's room between 8:15 am and the bell!