Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mercredi... la mi-semaine!

Today, a good day for all... 86 and 87 had a homework check! Some people are not reading the blog EVERY night! REMINDER: This is where you get the "low-down" on everything Monsieur Wanie's Class-Related! Tune in students!

So, anyway, classes 86 and 87 were assigned a two internet page piece of homework...      and
Students had to complete both pages, make sure their answers are correct and "Copy-paste" it into a word document to print it out... easy work but complicated to carry out... let's see who succeeds in the mission!

Students also have their "Géo" chapter assignment due tomorrow (Thursday) so Monsieur Wanie spent some time in class today going over the questions and some of the possible answers to help students along... Whoo Hoo, "Chapitre 4" next week! 

Secret blog info 1: Arowhon is a "Go" for June! Yay! 
Secret blog info 2: We start "Histoire" next week! Double Yay!

À demain!

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