Friday, December 12, 2008

C'est vendredi!

Soooo, Monsieur Wanie was not in regular classes at school today, instead, he was given the opportunity to hang out with the music kids on tour! Okay, everyone knows that Ms J. and Mr Ullman are great music teachers right? But did anyone say how well you kids did! I mean Wow! You students were phenomenal! It was so great to see you perform! Bien fait et bravo!

For the weekend, here are some reminders for everyone, not just Andrea and Sheridan...

1. Did you hand in your "Géo Chapitre 4"?
2. Did you hand in your book study assignment?
3. Did you gather supplies and come up with ideas for your "Forced perspective-Toronto" assignment?
4. Did you work on your "Histoire pré-chapitre"?
5. Did you print out a portrait of your "Greatest Canadian" to use when drawing?
6. Did you find 6 cheap or worn tennis balls?
7. From way back... did you hand in your printed-out "Tex and Tammy" verb stuff?
8. Did you plan some fun stuff to do over the break so you don't get in trouble hanging out at the mall?

There are lots of things you could be doing AS WELL AS reading Twilight for the tenth time!

Soyez prudents ce weekend! Il y a beaucoup de voitures sur la route. C'est des gens qui roulent trop vite et qui ne vous voient pas traverser la rue! Bon weekend, et à lundi!

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