Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jeudi! Demain, c'est vendredi!

Another great day today, students!
Classes 86 and 87 worked on their "Greatest Canadian" projects due tomorrow!

Students also had a class lesson to discuss "la productivité" and question #1 of yesterday's "Géographie" assignment. Students examined how it relates to the way of life in the 1860's as described in our "Histoire pré-chapitre". 

Students, over your vacation there is no homework... BUT:

You should read the rest of "Chapitre 5" in "Géo" and look at questions #3,5,11,12,13... they will be assigned the first week back and due January 9th! 

You could also read "Chapitre 1" in "Histoire" and look at questions #1,2,3,4,6,7 of "Vérifie tes connaissances" and #5 of "Applique tes connaissances"... they will be assigned the first week back and due January 9th!

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