Friday, February 27, 2009

Vendredi sous la pluie, le soleil et le froid!

Finally a day without a music thingy or a musical rehearsal! Yay!

So this morning, students in 86 and 87 had a chance to discuss the "Histoire Chapitre 7" questions. Take note of the WEDNESDAY due-date! A reminder that question 6 of ATC is asking you to write a newspaper article (include a picture!) about the gold rush in the Klondike. Try to make it look like an old ragged 1860s newspaper! Use tea to tint it or find some antique looking paper to write on! Make it cool!

Monday is the due-date for the "Geographie Projet Final"! Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to seeing some great presentations!

A special note to those students who are not swimming during pool class on a regular basis... GET IN THE WATER! Swimming is fun and good for you!

Bon weekend tout le monde! 

PS Mardi c'est la "Journée en Français"! 

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jeudi, le soleil avant la pluie!

Today, students were given an "over the weekend" extension on their "Géographie Projet Final" assignments. There have been so many interruptions to daily class life this week that Monsieur Wanie felt it was right to give students a break... However, the expectation is that what gets handed-in on Monday, should be way-cool-awesome!

This afternoon the students that were left in class worked on their "Géo". Most students are doing well and are showing some good effort! A few students went to the library to print-up assignment maps and yet others studied family pictures... A decent hard-working afternoon!

Random Hibiscus in the sun.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mercredi... la mi-semaine, le soleil!

So, today was once again a bit of a scattering of students!

This morning students had a study period to work on the "La voiture" folders. Most took the opportunity to get ahead, some chose the chatty-pants route...

Students in 86 and 87 were reminded that this Friday is not only the (firm) due date for the "Géographie Projet Final" but also the last chance to put their major term artwork (ie the poster and the mobile) on display and get them graded!

In the afternoon, all students participated in the "Black History Month" assembly. Good times! And hosted by a former Winona student to boot! 

Demain, c'est jeudi!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mardi, le soleil brille mais il fait froid!

Today, students from 86 and 87 received their new French "L'automobile, la voiture, l'auto" folders. Everyone had a chance to get started.

Some late "Histoire" assignments came trickling in with a few "Pictionnaire" projects... students, get your assignments in on time!

This afternoon, students had an opportunity to work on "Histoire Chapitre 7" - the Colonization of the West and the Gold Rush. They found definitions for the chapter keywords, and did a 15-point fact-finding exercise. 

It's been a bit of a revolving door lately in class due to all of the music and musical goings-on! Lots of students were out of class... makes it a bit difficult for everyone to focus and get things done! Reports are soon students! So make sure you stay on top of things!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Lundi et il fait froid!

Students in 86 and 87 had two assignments to hand in today, the "Pictionnaire" and the "Histoire Chapitre 6" questions. Most students had either one or the other completed and took class time to work on the missing assignment. 

This week, students will be working on the "Géographie Projet Final". Progress on the assignment must be evident in class to obtain full marks! Students, bring your material to class!

Tomorrow students will be receiving "Chapitre 5: L'automobile" of their French grammar units!

There is a lot of fun stuff to look forward to this week!

Friday, February 20, 2009

C'est vendredi, il fait soleil, c'est presque le weekend!

Students in 86 and 87 had the choice this morning of working on their "Pictionnaires" or on the "Histoire" assignment due on Monday. 
Most students worked diligently knowing that if they took all the notes from the white-boards and added answers from ATC #s 1 and 2, they would be in the market for a "B". To get an "A", students need to include information from the "hint pages" Monsieur Wanie indicated yesterday.    

Students need to remember to bring supplies for the "Géographie Projet Final" to class on Monday in order to show progress in their assignment!

Bonne fin de semaine tout le monde!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jeudi, le vrai jeudi!

So, back to your normally scheduled Winona'sMonsieurWanie blog...

Today, students in 86 once again split into the groups they were working with for the "Histoire" assignment. Last period today is their time to present answers.

87 had two periods yesterday to work in groups and presented their answers period 5 today. Good job!

BOTH classes have a Monday due-date for "Histoire Chapitre 6"!

All students must remember to bring "Géographie Projet Final" elements to class to work on!

Mercredi, il neige encore!

So, this post comes a day late due to technical difficulties... 

Today (Wednesday), students started work on "Histoire Chapitre 6". 86 and 87 were separated into groups and worked on the chapter questions. Tomorrow, students will be able to come together and share their answers. Hopefully this will make for interesting class discussions and encourage more student participation. Ideally, with some decent note-taking, it will make the homework assignment easier too! 

À demain les étudiants!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mardi, de retour du long weekend!

Students are back at work after a beautiful long weekend. Hopefully, everyone had a chance to get some fresh air instead of sitting in front of their Wii!

 Today, classes 86 and 87 worked diligently at their "picture dictionaries". 

Ms Ellen was in class making sure everyone's "Course selection sheets" are in order. Choices, choices, there are so many to make for high school. Make sure to make the right ones!

Here's the new "Histoire" assignment! 
Due Monday 23rd February!
"Histoire Chapitre 6"
VTC 1-6
ATC 1,2

RIP Jack 1998-2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jeudi, pas d'école demain!

Students in both 86 and 87 handed-in their "Histoire" and "Géographie" assignments today! Classes had an opportunity to work on their visual dictionaries, most students are doing a great job! Monsieur Wanie also collected the "Géo" textbooks. 86 had the pizza party they won ages ago for selling all those magazine subscriptions! Good stuff! The class owes big "props" to Nikki for the win!

Below is a re-post of the "Géo" term assignment in English for parents (and lazy students!).

Geography (Due on Friday, 27th February, fixed date, no late hand-ins)
Family History Term Assignment
2 parts:
Written 10 Pages
-5 pages of photos with explanations
-2 written pages (may include all or part of the oral presentation written out)
-1 world map with historic and geographic details of family origins
-1 cover page with subject, due-date, form, name etc...
-1 drawing of imagined (or real!) family crest with one part relating to student
Oral 2 minutes
-present your 5 photo pages and explain
-describe your family history and origins

Marked out of 100 as follows:
50% written project
30% oral presentation
20% day to day in-class work

Bon long weekend tout le monde!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mercredi, brumeux et humide!

Today, students in 86 and 87 have been assigned their term project in "Géographie". It's a very important part of student's second term grade! The outline for this assignment is posted below.

Géographie: à rendre/présenter vendredi le 27 février.
Projet final : Histoire de famille
2 parties:
-Écrite 10 pages
-5 pages de photos + explications
-2 pages écrites (peuvent être votre 
partie orale mais à l'écrit)
-1 carte du monde avec détails géographiques 
et historiques
-1 page couverture avec le sujet, votre nom etc.
-1 dessin de votre armoirie familiale
-Orale 2 minutes
-présentation de vos pages photos
-description de l'histoire de votre famille

Notes: 100%
50%-projet écrit
30%-présentation orale
20%-travail en classe

Students in 86 and 87 also started work on a French visual dictionary assignment. Students, take good care of the books! They are old and fragile, plus Monsieur Wanie values them very much! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mardi gris et humide!

Well, today was another day of homework checks for 86 and 87! There were some long faces and some interesting excuses! The days have changed since "The dog ate my homework"! Work needs to be brought to class in order to be evaluated... Print it out if your reason was "I'm doing it on the computer"! Students were also asked to bring their books to class, a few $60 texts seem to be MIA! Find them!

Monsieur Wanie gave a lecture, and students took notes, on the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of industry. There were discussions on why Iraq, Bosnia and Myanmar have had difficulty in building their economic structure over the last two decades. As well, the subject of Panama, Chile, and South Africa's reason's to be optimistic for future the were discussed.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Lundi, le soleil brille! C'est une courte semaine!

This morning, it was made evident that not a lot of students had read the "Chapitre" in "Histoire". It's pretty easy for Monsieur Wanie to start a speech on the happenings in the Red River Colony to students, giving all the answers to the questions. It would be difficult for students to understand and participate though, if they haven't read and explored the chapter before-hand! Students need to complete their homework if the class is to move forward!

This afternoon, students had a lecture on the Métis, the Red River, the Selkirk Colonists, the Hudson's Bay and North west companies, Louis Riel and Thomas Scott. Hopefully the "Histoire" questions will be easier to answer! Get your homework done 86 and 87!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Vendredi, presque le weekend!

A busy Friday! 

Most students spent a period today getting some of their "Géo" completed. Remember that for question #7, it's a map of Brazil you need, NOT South America! 

In the afternoon, students in both 86 and 87 had some High School selection stuff to take care of. Lots of choices n'est-ce pas?! Ms. Ellen went over all of the "Course Selection" forms with students. Hopefully, all students are less confused about the complicated process that is applying to High School!
Lots of cool mobiles up in the class today! Last due date... Monday before 8:30AM!

Bon weekend tout le monde!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jeudi...-20C hier soir!

Well, it's a nice sunny day outside! But it's also really cold! 

Fortunately, Monsieur Wanie has just the cure for that: "Histoire" discussions! Yay!

Most students' "Mobile projects" are looking great the day before the due-date! There are a few students who need an extra reminder to bring their projects to school! Project-progress is impossible to grade if it isn't evident in class!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mercredi, mi-semaine!

Lots of tired students today! Early wake-ups, cold weather, yesterday's ski day, it all piles up! So there were lots of "lates" this morning!

Students in 86 and 87 had class time to work on their "Mobile art projects". Most students are showing some great ideas and are using their imagination! Great to see! 

Some students had a brainstorming / idea sharing activity to do today, part of the sorely missed teacher-student advisory program... but a fun activity to do on a sunny afternoon in class!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mardi, une journée sur les pentes!

Yes! A beautiful ski-day on the slopes! 

I don't think anyone got hurt today, so that was the biggest bonus! A few of our skiers got stuck on the lift when it jammed... and had to be manually lowered. So there were some cold students and teachers, but a plate of fries and a hot chocolate does wonders!

To keep in mind for this week... the "Mobile projects" are due on Friday! 

Also, a reminder: as always, Monsieur Wanie is available EVERY morning for extra help from 8:15 until the bell. Students may come in for extra help, to work quietly, to hang out, to have a safe place to chill... whatever. 

À demain!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lundi, le soleil brille! Il fait beau!

Punxsutawney Phil, Shubenacadie Sam and Wiarton Willie all agree... six more weeks of winter! That bodes well for the ski day tomorrow! 

Today, students worked on their "Alexander Calder-inspired mobile projects". Their period was partly interrupted by the ski-day meeting in the Gym. Hopefully tomorrow will be a safe and fun day out at Mount St. Louis - Moonstone! 

Students also completed a fact-finding exercise relating to the Fur Trade in "Histoire". Wednesday, we will continue with "Chapitre 5", that deals with the "Colonization of the Red River" in the mid to late 1800s.