So this morning, students in 86 and 87 had a chance to discuss the "Histoire Chapitre 7" questions. Take note of the WEDNESDAY due-date! A reminder that question 6 of ATC is asking you to write a newspaper article (include a picture!) about the gold rush in the Klondike. Try to make it look like an old ragged 1860s newspaper! Use tea to tint it or find some antique looking paper to write on! Make it cool!
Monday is the due-date for the "Geographie Projet Final"! Monsieur Wanie is looking forward to seeing some great presentations!
A special note to those students who are not swimming during pool class on a regular basis... GET IN THE WATER! Swimming is fun and good for you!
Bon weekend tout le monde!
PS Mardi c'est la "Journée en Français"!