Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jeudi, pas d'école demain!

Students in both 86 and 87 handed-in their "Histoire" and "Géographie" assignments today! Classes had an opportunity to work on their visual dictionaries, most students are doing a great job! Monsieur Wanie also collected the "Géo" textbooks. 86 had the pizza party they won ages ago for selling all those magazine subscriptions! Good stuff! The class owes big "props" to Nikki for the win!

Below is a re-post of the "Géo" term assignment in English for parents (and lazy students!).

Geography (Due on Friday, 27th February, fixed date, no late hand-ins)
Family History Term Assignment
2 parts:
Written 10 Pages
-5 pages of photos with explanations
-2 written pages (may include all or part of the oral presentation written out)
-1 world map with historic and geographic details of family origins
-1 cover page with subject, due-date, form, name etc...
-1 drawing of imagined (or real!) family crest with one part relating to student
Oral 2 minutes
-present your 5 photo pages and explain
-describe your family history and origins

Marked out of 100 as follows:
50% written project
30% oral presentation
20% day to day in-class work

Bon long weekend tout le monde!

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