Monday, February 9, 2009

Lundi, le soleil brille! C'est une courte semaine!

This morning, it was made evident that not a lot of students had read the "Chapitre" in "Histoire". It's pretty easy for Monsieur Wanie to start a speech on the happenings in the Red River Colony to students, giving all the answers to the questions. It would be difficult for students to understand and participate though, if they haven't read and explored the chapter before-hand! Students need to complete their homework if the class is to move forward!

This afternoon, students had a lecture on the Métis, the Red River, the Selkirk Colonists, the Hudson's Bay and North west companies, Louis Riel and Thomas Scott. Hopefully the "Histoire" questions will be easier to answer! Get your homework done 86 and 87!!!

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