Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mardi, le soleil brille mais il fait froid!

Today, students from 86 and 87 received their new French "L'automobile, la voiture, l'auto" folders. Everyone had a chance to get started.

Some late "Histoire" assignments came trickling in with a few "Pictionnaire" projects... students, get your assignments in on time!

This afternoon, students had an opportunity to work on "Histoire Chapitre 7" - the Colonization of the West and the Gold Rush. They found definitions for the chapter keywords, and did a 15-point fact-finding exercise. 

It's been a bit of a revolving door lately in class due to all of the music and musical goings-on! Lots of students were out of class... makes it a bit difficult for everyone to focus and get things done! Reports are soon students! So make sure you stay on top of things!

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